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Temos um grupo de empregos para São Paulo, vagas atualizadas todos os dias!

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Jovem Aprendiz - RH


LinkApi is the new experience for developers and companies worldwide that aim their digital transformation using APIs and integrations. Our platform unifies both API Management and iPaaS (integration platform as a service) concepts.

It all started when our CEO realized that countless companies had traumatic experiences regarding systems integrations, and because of that, much of the potential of doing so was left behind. As an experienced technology professional, he gathered the best developers he knew, and they developed what is LinkApi today. Shortly after, LinkApi’s first clients were beginning to see how much that platform could boost their businesses, so efforts were made for the company and product’s growth.

We’re living an incredible journey and growing at a fast pace. The reason for that is our people, and we want the best ones to join us on our mission. We’re looking for a creative, committed and passionate about technology individual. If our culture code fits your beliefs, don’t hesitate and come join the #kapifamily

Responsabilidades e atribuições
  • Auxiliar nas rotinas do departamento administrativo;
  • Elaboração de planilha e controle de arquivos;
  • Contribuição para ação/eventos da empresa;
  • Agendamento de entrevistas e outros.

Requisitos e qualificações
  • Ter entre 16 e 22 anos;
  • Cursando ou com o ensino médio concluído;
  • Gostar de tecnologia e inovação;
  • Ter iniciativa e proatividade;
  • Trabalho em equipe;
  • Comprometimento.

Informações adicionais

LinkApi is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity in all of its forms and we hire the best person for each role, no matter your personal background.

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