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Assistente de Importação


Job Vacancy: Import Assistant

Responsibilities and Duties

  • Responsible for putting the import orders into system
  • Receive and analyze import documents
  • Monitor the customs clearance procedures
  • Schedule delivery of the cleared goods to the company's distribution center
  • Analyze the logistics process seeking to reduce cost and time in the import process
  • Quote and hire international freight
  • Planning and monitoring of import activities, from opening until closing
  • Monitor, review and control of document flow of operations, customs and foreign exchange regimes
  • Organization of processes, interface and support for related sectors, especially commercial department

Qualification Requirements

  • Bachelor in Foreign Trade,International Relations or related field.
  • Fluent or advanced English

Salary and benefits

  • Salary: R$ 2.300,00 per month
  • Feeding voucher: R$ 200 per month
  • Public transportation voucher
  • Individual health plan (after 03 months of experience)
  • Profit share according to internal regulation.

About our culture
· Our company is highly meritocratic and here you can reach the level of position and salary you wish, just earn it. So, if you identify with this culture, join us and welcome to the team! By the way, fell free to visit us in

Tipo de vaga: Tempo Integral, Efetivo/CLT

Salário: Até R$2.300,00 por mês


  • Processos de Importação (Obrigatório)


  • Inglês (Obrigatório)

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